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Guide To Dining In Paris

by Haley

Paris is well-known for a lot of different things. It is considered to be the city of love. It boasts an array of various world-known landmarks. It is a fantastic place for those who love to shop. And of course, Paris boasts some excellent restaurants with French cuisine widely being thought of as one of the tastiest in the world. 

This blog post focuses on enjoying dining whilst staying in one of the holiday rentals in Paris or indeed while on a cruise trip here. Companies like Bolsover Cruise Club offer great cruise deals, with many going to Paris and other parts of France too, so you should definitely check them out.

But, now to the food! After all, one of the best things about going on vacation is the opportunity to taste food you wouldn’t usually get to try whilst in England. 

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Embrace the local dishes

When you go on holiday you should taste the local cuisine of the region. Too many people go abroad and have an English breakfast in the morning, a ham sandwich for lunch and a pie for their dinner. Yet you can have this in Britain every single day if you wish to do so, so why eat these sorts of meals when you are abroad? You may say “well I can try French food whilst in England anyway”. But no one cooks it like the locals do. On the nights that you do dine out rather than cooking in your holiday rentals in Paris, you should try some of the traditional dishes, such as wine-sauteed scallops, fondue au Fromage, and Breton bouillabaisse. 

Experience one of the expensive fine dining restaurants

Not everybody can afford a fine dining experience. Nevertheless, if it means that you have to eat in your villa for two nights, yet you get to experience one night of fine dining as a result – then do so. You will never experience anything like it again. Paris is home to some of the most luxurious, lavish, and opulent restaurants that serve award-winning, succulent and scrumptious dishes. This will make your holiday one to remember, that’s for sure. 

Take a trip to the local supermarket and stock up your holiday accommodation in Paris

Not everybody wants to dine out for every single meal. Make sure you pop to a local French supermarket in order to source the freshest ingredients. Make sure you go for a traditional French supermarket – not one of the tourist stores. You will be shocked by the array of delicious and diverse ingredients that is on offer.

Make a reservation 

As you may imagine; dining out is one of the most popular things to do in Paris. When you consider this and you take into account the array of popular restaurants available you can see why making a reservation would be recommended. This is especially the case if you are going to eat in the busy areas of Champs-Elysees and Bastille. 

The wine tasting experience

Not only is Paris famous for its food but it is also well known for its fantastic selection of wines too. A lot of restaurants provide a wine tasting experience as part of their offering and thus it is well worth taking advantage of this. Whether you are a big fan of wine or not, you will definitely enjoy this experience – your mouth will be open to an array of tastes it has never experienced before. 

Look online before you go away

And last but not least, take as much time as you can to research different restaurants on the internet. You can make a list of all those you want to visit for the duration of your stay. You will be able to take a look at the restaurant’s menus and some of them may have their pricing on there too. If not then you should be able to deduce whether the price range is expensive or not via doing a quick search online and reading what people have had to say in their reviews.

If you use the five tips mentioned in this article then you should be able to enjoy a fantastic dining experience whilst staying in one of the excellent holiday accommodation in Paris or while on a cruise.


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